Our service helps our port and marine clients to operate safely and productively in ever-changing and often adverse weather conditions.
The WeatherQuest team have supported our port and marine clients with operational weather forecasting services for the past two decades.
We work closely with key decision-makers at some of the largest ports in Northern Europe, such as Felixstowe, ABP Group, London Gateway and Tilbury, co-designing improvements to the service.
Our trained forecasters will support your operations by proactively monitoring all key met-ocean parameters, helping you to easily see when your thresholds will be exceeded.
Let WeatherQuest be a natural extension to your team.

Ports and marine
WeatherQuest provides a custom-designed online portal for the port industry called PortQuest.
Weather forecast information is supplied for all the precise coordinates relevant to the client’s Port location, including the pilot’s pick-up point.
Forecasts are constantly updated and range from short-term hourly forecasts to probability forecasts extending to a month in advance, including atmospheric and met-ocean variables.
Valid weather warnings are displayed on PortQuest and delivered via SMS and email to as many recipients as your business needs.
PortQuest is the weather solution of choice for Ports and marine services.
Key features- Forecasts are available 24/7 through the online PortQuest portal
- Hourly site-specific forecasts are available up to 7 days ahead for all critical atmospheric and ocean variables, including wind speed and gust at user-defined heights, visibility, lightning risk, significant wave height and wave period for the pilot locations.
- Convenient, user-friendly collapsible side panels for use on display screens in marine coordinator offices.
- The dashboard highlights periods of likely disruption in the short and longer term.
- Longer-range probability forecasts highlight the range of possible weather outcomes for longer-term planning.
- Telephone support whenever you need it most.
Lightning Service
As a 45001 accredited business, we recognise that safety is paramount for our clients and our team.
We fully understand the risks involved to your employees and assets when lightning is imminent.
WeatherQuest has partnered with Meteorage, the global specialist in lightning detection, to provide real-time monitoring and alerts to our clients.
Our meteorologists are highly trained in convective forecasting and will proactively monitor each port and call your operational team if lightning risk exceeds your safety limits.
Weather warnings
WeatherQuest forecasters issue time-limited weather warnings, colour coded according to severity, when the forecast exceeds any user-defined threshold. For example, if wind speeds exceed critical values, these warnings are disseminated on the PortQuest portal, and via email and SMS text messages and a phone call from the forecaster.
WeatherQuest can issue warnings for any weather variable deemed necessary to operations, most commonly focused on wind, visibility, lightning and snow for the port sector.
Our highly-skilled forecasters proactively monitor each client’s location making maximum use of the real-time weather/wave measurements you make, which you can share with our teams.
Nothing is more important than the Health and Safety of our clients.
Furthermore, we are there if you require additional information or longer-range advice. We operate a speak-to-a-forecaster service, 24/7, 365, for our Port customers.
Case Study: Efficient and Safe Operations at the Port of Felixstowe
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