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July 24, 2024

July and The Jet Stream

Being the height of summer, July is normally one of the driest and warmest months of the year. However, the British summer is known for being extremely changeable, and one of the main drivers for this is the Jet Stream.


August 28, 2024

ENSO and Winter: How does it impact us?

The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is one of the world’s most dominant climatological oscillations and is our planet’s single largest source of natural year-to-year variability. As we close out Summer, ENSO has returned from an El Niño to neutral and is very likely to swing into its other extreme phase, a La Niña, as we head into Autumn. Having far-reaching impacts across the globe, how does this oscillation of sea surface temperatures over the Pacific impact the UK, and what could this mean for our weather over the coming autumn and winter?


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