Need a weather forecast or weather information?
Our team of experienced meteorologists are here to help, in person, by taking your call every day of the year on our Forecast Hotline anytime between 6:00 am and 5:30 pm.
Go ahead and ring us on:
09065 77 76 75
Calls are charged at £1.55 per minute, plus any network charges that may apply.
Why call us? Here are a few questions we regularly help with:
Will it stay dry for the next 5 days for haymaking?
Will it rain on Saturday during my daughter’s wedding?
Could you confirm the highest recorded wind gust local to me one day last week to help with my insurance claim? Can I have that in writing, please?
When will the winds next drop below 10 mph so I can spray my crop?
Can I check some weather stats with you for an article I’m writing?
Help! The Weather Apps on my phone are all giving different forecasts!